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kt in 美国(repo)

转自http://johnnysclub.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=28241&fpage=1 ryuuko亲整理(要转载的去JC上,就是上面的地址PM ryuuko亲)
原贴来自 http://six-groove.net/board/index.php
it was crazy .. like seriously crazy .
i never knew there were so many fans in LA !!!
like well i went with my friend, and we went at like 9 am, and the parade started at 4 p.m. so we were like bored, but anyway . we had to sit on sidewalks, and only reporters/ photographers were allowed to take close-up pics, because these stupid volunteer girls were like so mean . well anyway . kat-tun was number 44, and by number 39 i was already so hyped up . i stood up, and the first person i saw was koki . and then i screamed so loud the girl was like Calm Down !! but then SWARMS of crazy fangirls just ignored the police and ran to them, taking pictures . i was only TWO FEET AWAY . jin was in the front of the car, koki, maru, and ueda standing up, and kame was sitting in the back . they looked REALLY shocked . i mean, it was really crazy . kame was frownin a bit, but after they got used to it, they started smiling and waving . there were these stupid policemen on bikes trying to keep us away, but no one would listen. once, i was trying to get a pic of kame but the policeman was in the way, and he was like " you really don't follow directions, do you? " and i was like "yeahh, i dont !!" cuz i was so frustrated and pissed . well at one point i screamed jin really loud, and i thinkk alot of girls behind mee wer screaming him too, and he just looked up with this cute face like "did someone just call my name?" and i was thinking, jin, everyone's calling your name !!
well there was a lot of pushing and everything, and everyone was running to keep up, and half of the parade audience [ girls ] were like gone, and a lot of guys wer taking pics too, and this guy was like, this is so crazy ... these girls are so crazy ...
and then finally at the end, they drove [ this girl drove them ] to this Fine Arts place, but no fangirl could get in cuz policemen were like everywhere . jin wanted to like come over to his fans, but they wouldnt let him .
and many people were like, who is that?? lol . yeahh . that's the end <3
我从来不知道洛杉矶有这么多fans (苹果插花:其实有好多是从不同州飞过去的。。。。我没钱啊!!!!!)
我站起来!然后第一个看到的是koki,然后我放声尖叫!然后那些义务的叫我冷静!!不过一大群fans无视警察蜂拥而上,跑到kt身边,照相!!!我离他们只有*两英尺* 仁在车子的前方,koki,丸子,妖精站起来了,然后kame坐在后面。他们看起来非常震惊!!!因为真的是非常疯狂啊!!kame开始有一点点皱着眉头,后来他们就习惯了,就开始微笑还有招手。现场还有很多起自行车的警察,他们想要让我们退开,但是没有人听他们的。有一次,我想要照kame的照片,不过有个警察挡住了,然后他说:你们就是不听指示,是不是?然后我就说“是啊,我就不听” 因为我当时非常愤怒。不过有一时间,我大声尖叫了jin的名字,然后有很多其他的fan也开始尖叫他的名字,然后他看向我们,脸上还带着非常可爱的表情好像在说“谁叫了我的名字?”我就在想,jin,所有的人都在叫你的名字!!!
i went to the nisei week grand parade and this is all that happened (pics included)! ok, so today's grand parade started out ok...me and deadhumor were hanging out watching the whole parade, waiting for kat-tun to come around (we only had 5 floats to go X3) and then my friend who was working as a body gaurd came and told us that kat-tun was mobbed at the front of the parade by a TON of girls and they wouldn't be showing up in the parade! i was really disappointed! that like..ruined the whole thing! XP and we were sitting at where the parade ended and the people across the street were kat-tun fans too and they didnt find out they wouldnt show at until the parade was done and it was really sad cause they were crying!!! well, my friend told us where they'd be, so we went to the back where there were like...10-15 others and we asked to take their pics and they let us (probably because we werent a huge crowd) and i got these pics..they aren't that good, but ill show you them any way...just go under the cut! (all pics taken by me)
我参加了游行,这些就是当时发生的事,今天我和我朋友一起去的,我们在等他们的时候也看看游行,然后我一个当这个游行的保镖的朋友过来跟我们说KAT-TUN在前面出问题了,一群fan(女生)造成暴动似的,所以他们不会参加下面的游行。我当时很失望!一切都毁灭了!!!所以我们就坐在那里然后等着游行结束,有很多在我们对街的人也是kt fan,他们不知道kt的游行被停止了,一直等到最后,真是非常的悲哀,因为他们都在哭!不过我朋友告诉我们kt在的地方,接着10多个人就一起去找他们。我们问他们可不可以照相,他们说可以(大概因为我们人少),这些是我照的,不是很好,不过我还是放出来。
来自:http://www.idolthoughts.com 的 Keyla
I cannot even begin to describe how disappointed I am. Chance of a lifetime... ruined. Sorry to be so negative, but I'm really upset about this.

Anyway, I was watching the Nisei Week Grand Parade with some friends, and all of a sudden we noticed a mob breaking away from the parade route... and saw that the police were escorting KAT-TUN away... they were pulled from the parade, probably because some IDIOT fangirls mobbed them or something. I only saw Ueda, and caught a glimpse of a very pouty Jin and a kinda angry looking Kame. The only picture my friends and I managed to get was one blurry shot of the side of Ueda's head as the car tried to break away from the crazy mobs.
........... fans can be so disgusting. I can't believe a few selfish people ruined it for everybody else. All I wanted was to see Junno....

从很多人的report看来。。。最后jin被吓得最厉害!小龟和其他很生气。。。TT__TT 不要对美国留下不好的影像啊!!!! 不过这次参加的有很多台湾fan。。。。。据说他们最疯狂。。。
来自:http://www.idolthoughts.com 的 shahoney
来自:http://www.idolthoughts.com 的 gackt_2003
Ueda was so cute!! He fixed his hair up and had the cutest look. He kept looking out over the crowd, probably thinking "...damn" [in Japanese, hehe]
Koki was so funny! He seemed to be enjoying himself alot. He kept waving and smiling and making his little hand gestures.
Kame was smiling and waving. He was sitting in the back with Maru.
Maru...I didn't really pay attention to him!! ^_^;;;; Not on purpose tho, for some reason, I just didn't look at him much. But I did notice the big silver cross he had on his back...That was the only thing that stood out to me from him.
Jin...at one point he looked straight at me and my friend's direction [I'm not saying he looked at us. Just he looked our way] Him and Kame both had this look on them...they were STUNNED. But Jin was worse. He just looked so shocked and most likely a bit scared.
丸子。。。我没有怎么注意他 ^_^;;;不是故意的,不知道为什么,我就是没有看向他很多。不过我有注意到他的背上有个银色的大十字。不过那是唯一我注意到的

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